
Showing posts from May, 2019

Do you like our dance moves?

Special thanks to the Arizona Ghostbusters and the Miss Arizona titleholders for helping us raise awareness for Foster Care Awareness Month. Right now we have over 100 kids in foster care across Maricopa County waiting for a mentor to spend time with them. 8 hours a month time commitment for 1 year. 1 less movie a week will make the difference in the life of a foster child. Ready to make an impact in the life of a child in foster care? Its summer break, so now's a great time to step into their life to help guide them in the choices they are making. Enjoy these videos and help us spread the word! #FosterCareAwarenessMonth Mentors needed for kids in foster care. 8 hours a month. 2 hours a week. Over 100 foster kids waiting for a mentor. Arizonans for Children also needs volunteers for the 2 visitation centers for supervised visits. Flexible scheduling. Thank you Geno, Carolyn, @AZ_Ghostbusters @MissAmericaAZ @MissAZUSA Titleholders, and Vict...

Foster Care Awareness Month May Be Over but......

The work we do at Arizonans for Children never stops.  We try every single day to improve the lives of the children and families we serve. May is Foster Care Awareness Month Arizonans for Children would not be nearly as effective without the fantastic team we have. Andrea  is the Director of Supervised Visits at Arizonans for Children and so much more. Her dedication to ensuring children get to spend time with their parents in unwavering and where we all should strive to be. Andrea defines the Arizonans for Children mission and lives it every single day. She leads by example and isn't afraid to get down in the trenches. Andrea comes up with the best ideas and suggestions; from redefining volunteer and intern roles to Wacky Wednesday. She is a natural leader and motivates by gently lifting others and finding their strengths. Arizonans for Children would not be what it is today without Andrea. Andrea, no matter how you pronounce her name is the wack...

Arizonans for Children - a week in review May 2019

One of our favorite things at Arizonans for Children is to see updates from our Mentors.  Mentor Bridget shared this update: " My Mentee and I participated in a walk for St. Jude children and then enjoyed being pampered later, with Jel manicures." Thank you Bridget for showing this young lady in the foster care system how good it feels to participate in a walk that benefits the community!  Your nails look lovely ladies! Hands on Greater Phoenix invited Arizonans for Children to the Biltmore to pick up duffel bags that were beautifully decorated and stuffed with goodness!  We will hand these out at our Back 2 School Bash in July for teens in foster care.  This is a great start to collecting what we will need to make this event a success. Thank you Sales Force and Hands on Greater Phoenix! The Arizonans for Children Phoenix Visitation saw our first Sack Meal donation thanks to Ariel! I spoke with a mom that ha...

WearMe Pro - Changing the lives of children in foster care!

I don't remember how we connected but meeting the folks from WearMe Pro has been life changing, especially for the children we serve at Arizonans for Children - kids in the foster care system. For a couple years now WearMe Pro has donated thousands of sun glasses to Arizonans for Children.  We have given them out at our Annual Holiday Party for kids in foster care for 2 years in a row and this year at the Foster Festival at Enchanted Island Amusement Park.  The WearMe Pro table was always full of kids choosing the perfect pair.  They even brought the WearMe Pro mascot Ivy whom the kids (and adults adored!) We passed out glasses at our Back 2 School Bash and will be doing so again this July along with backpacks and school supplies. These glasses make the kids feel special and deserving.  They frequently comment that they have never had anything as nice as these glasses. A while back I met with the WearMe Pro team and they had some great ideas to help ou...

A Week of Arizonans for Children - Foster Care Awareness Month

It started off with us in the elevator..... And in an office!  Love Wacky Wednesday and reconnecting with beautiful people!    Midday break on the giant bear! Andrea had a great idea to use some of the paper donation from Impact Printing as a conversation starter.  We learned about what favorite foods the families have, what their favorite game is and what smells they like best. With Mother's Day coming up we had a donation of tea cups beautifully wrapped and ready for the kids to choose one for their mom, foster mom, PA, case manager, therapist or who ever they want to gift the tea cups to. We were even on Sonoran Living!  Click the link below to watch: Arizonans for Children on Sonoran Living Live Tom and Kristina were the first to donate for the annual Arizonans for Children Back 2 School Bash/Resource Fair for teens in foster care!  And they brought in this amazing rainbow sloth!! We...