Mentors/Tutors Needed for Foster Kids

        Tutor/Mentors (Arizona, Maricopa County)
Arizonans for Children: Volunteers needed for Tutor/Mentor Program

Take the lead in supporting a young person through an ongoing one to one relationship. Serve as a positive role model and friend. Build the relationship by planning and participating in activities together. Strive for mutual respect. Build self esteem and motivation. Help set goals and work toward accomplishing them. Assist your mentee in developing academic and behavioral goals and setting rewards for the achievement of those goals

Population served:
Youths in foster care in Maricopa County. Currently there are 13,400 youths in care in Arizona and almost 7,000 in Maricopa County.

Community need/impact:
This role will help break the cycle of poverty and abuse. By working with a child one to one, you will improve their chances of successful education, encourage goal setting and help to change their lives and the lives of those connected with them.
Only 1% of foster youths ever complete college, the biggest impact on their further education choices comes about from having a trusted mentor. The role of tutor/mentor makes all the difference in the success of these youths.

Please visit for more information! Thank you!!
Apply online at
Tutor/Mentor Info Page:


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