
Showing posts from December, 2018

End of Year Giving - STEM Pi-oneer

When I first started working with children in foster care I was shocked to realize that many kids have zero access to technology in their group homes or foster placements. How are they doing homework without access to technology? When the need becomes apparent, Arizonans for Children finds a way to meet the need. We started the STEM Pi-oneer class that upon completion of a series of classes the child takes the entire computer system with them. A fully functioning micro com puter called a Raspberry Pi, a monitor, mouse and key board to every single child that completes the class series! In the class the kids build/assemble their Pi, learn basic programming languages, explore the vast functionality of the computer all while having workshops and presentations on things like neuroscience, financial literacy and internet safety and security. Arizonans for Children goal - every school age child in the foster care system have their own computer system. There are several ways y...

Spreading Holiday Cheer Episode 4: Let's Do This!


Holiday Cheer from the University of Phoenix

The holidays can be brutal for families who are effected by the foster care system.  For the kids each holiday represents a milestone of their time in care. Thanks for our community we can make the holidays a bit more cheerful. The University of Phoenix shared their fantastic creations from a Gingerbread House and Christmas Tree contest with Arizonans for Children.  M Load Services helped get these beautifully decorated trees and gingerbread houses to the Phoenix Visitation Center.  We could not have done it without their help!  Thank you Alexander & Gavin! The children at the Visitation Center watched with wonder as tree after tree and gingerbread house after gingerbread house were pulled from the moving truck.  All excited to see what would come in next! The generosity of The University of Phoenix has transformed the Arizonans for Children Phoenix Visitation Center into a holiday wonderland....

A Full Saturday of Festive!

What a Saturday! We wrapped, wrapped and wrapped thanks to all the volunteer support that came out ready to get things done! We all were so busy and running around I didn't snap nearly all the pictures I wanted to.  Scout Cole was working on his Eagle project at the Arizonans for Children Mesa Visitation Center this evening.  He and his team of over 50 volunteers did a deep clean and sanitize of the entire center, something that was greatly needed. Keeping vulnerable kids visits safe and healthy, proving his natural leadership skills was a fantastic way to have a BIG impact on the lives of those we serve along with staff and volunteers. Spotlessly clean refrigerator! Completely disinfected and sanitized nursery! Floors, tables, chairs, highchairs and booster seats scrubbed 100% clean! Cleaned and organized! In addition to collecting all the cleaning supplies Cole also collected new toys for the Annual Arizonans f...