Holiday Cheer from the University of Phoenix

The holidays can be brutal for families who are effected by the foster care system.  For the kids each holiday represents a milestone of their time in care.

Thanks for our community we can make the holidays a bit more cheerful.
The University of Phoenix shared their fantastic creations from a Gingerbread House and Christmas Tree contest with Arizonans for Children. 

M Load Services helped get these beautifully decorated trees and gingerbread houses to the Phoenix Visitation Center.  We could not have done it without their help! 

Thank you Alexander & Gavin!

The children at the Visitation Center watched with wonder as tree after tree and gingerbread house after gingerbread house were pulled from the moving truck.  All excited to see what would come in next!

The generosity of The University of Phoenix has transformed the Arizonans for Children Phoenix Visitation Center into a holiday wonderland.  Together we can create memories that allow the families to heal.

If you would like to know more about how you can help families heal visit the Arizonans for Children website:

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