A Full Saturday of Festive!
What a Saturday!
We wrapped, wrapped and wrapped thanks to all the volunteer support that came out ready to get things done!
We all were so busy and running around I didn't snap nearly all the pictures I wanted to.
We wrapped, wrapped and wrapped thanks to all the volunteer support that came out ready to get things done!
We all were so busy and running around I didn't snap nearly all the pictures I wanted to.
Scout Cole was working on his Eagle project at the Arizonans for Children Mesa Visitation Center this evening. He and his team of over 50 volunteers did a deep clean and sanitize of the entire center, something that was greatly needed.
Keeping vulnerable kids visits safe and healthy, proving his natural leadership skills was a fantastic way to have a BIG impact on the lives of those we serve along with staff and volunteers.
Spotlessly clean refrigerator!
Completely disinfected and sanitized nursery!
Floors, tables, chairs, highchairs and booster seats scrubbed 100% clean!
Cleaned and organized!
In addition to collecting all the cleaning supplies Cole also collected new toys for the Annual Arizonans for Children Holiday party.
Meanwhile at the Arizonans for Children Phoenix Visitation Center....
This adorable family donated fresh Christmas trees along with everything needed to decorate them. The families at our center will get to choose a tree, pick a place for it to be displayed in the center and decorate it together something they otherwise would not be able to do together. This will create happy, healing memories and what a gift that is!
We would LOVE to have volunteers come in and share their family traditions with the families on site at both Visitation Centers. If you would like to enrich the holiday season consider volunteering at the center the week of 12/17-12/22. Email az4children.laura@gmail.com to secure your spot on the calendar.
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