Holiday Volunteer Ideas - Let's Make the Season Magical!

I always start reflecting and remembering past holidays this time of year.  Some with not so great memories and some with a warm heart and laughter.

For a couple years when my kids were young the family that owned the company I worked for invited us to their family Christmas party.  Raising my kids as a single mother things were often financially tight, I was tired all the time and we seemed to always be hurrying somewhere.  But the years we went to this party stand out in my mind because in all the drama and chaos of a divorce and the holidays themselves I can still see my kids being a part of their traditions, I can hear their laughter and remember their smiles and hugs.
My kids got to "pull" taffy, go caroling in the neighborhood, participate in a white elephant gift exchange and sing along to the 12 Days of Christmas.  It's that 12 Days of Christmas song time that stands out the most.  The family divided into groups and each group sang the part of one of the days.  My daughter got to sing will all the young kids and they danced and giggled their verse!  My son got to sing with the guys the 5 golden rings verse and they all sat with arms folded and sort of talked/sang the verse.  It was so funny that I honestly remember laughing hard enough to have to wipe tears off my face.
We also got to go up North and cut down Christmas tree's with this family for a few years and WOW did they make that a family tradition event!  They would bring the makings for s'mores, chili and play kick the can while we sat around a camp fire.

These are memories that will never go away and I will forever be grateful to the Tyler family for including us.

I would love for volunteers to share their traditions with the families that have visits at the Arizonans for Children Visitation Centers.  Kids in foster care miss out on so much and the holidays can be so stressful for everyone.  We can make the holidays magical for these families!

The week of December 17th - 22nd lets fill the Visitation Centers with Holiday Traditions!

We have two Visitation Centers that you, your family, your co-worker, your church group, your Mom's group....can come in and share the magic of the season.

Would you like to:
Decorate sugar cookies
Make paper snowflakes
Read T'was the Night Before Christmas or another story
Go caroling through the Visitation Center
Play the dreidel game
String popcorn and cranberries
"Adopt" one of our Christmas trees and decorate it
Create a holiday selfie station.....or elfie station!
Stop by dressed as Santa or the Grinch 
Bring an Elf on the Shelf 
Share your favorite holiday dish...tamales, latkes, stollen
Have a "Polar Express" day
Play a holiday board game
A live Nativity

What other traditions can you think of?

If you would like to help make the Holidays Magical for kids in foster care Arizonans for Children has two Visitation Centers:

Phoenix Visitation Center is located at 1112 W. Camelback Rd, Phoenix AZ 85013 and is open Monday - Friday 9-6 and Saturday 10-2

Mesa Visitation Center is located at 1020 N. Horne, Mesa AZ 85203 (in Desert Heritage Church) and is open Monday - Friday 10-6 and Saturday 10-2

Come in for the day, come in for a few minutes....come be the difference.

Email Laura to secure a spot on the calendar - 

Did you know that siblings are often not in the same foster placement and the only time they see each other is at the Arizonans for Children Visitation Centers and our events?

If you would like to learn more about Arizonans for Children please visit:

or email Laura at 


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