Back 2 School Bash/Resource Fair for Teens in Foster Care

Arizonans for Children is committed to helping kids in foster care achieve their fullest potential.  We have the date set for the 2019 Annual Back 2 School Bash/Resource Fair - Saturday July 20, 2019

We will be collecting school supplies, backpacks and coordinating a plethora of resources for these kids, kids that far to soon will be on their own.  Arizonans for Children  doesn't just give school supplies but provides vital resources and information. 

Would you hold a donation drive?  Do you hire entry level positions?  Is there a life skill you can share with the teens?  

2018 was a BIG success thanks to our community!  Here are some pictures:

If you can hold a donation drive to collect school supplies, if you can be a presenter, if you want to sponsor or provide food for the event, if you want to volunteer at the event - please contact Laura at 

Together we can make their world a bit better and provide them with everything they need to start the school year.

I would LOVE to give every single teen that comes to this event a hygiene package as well.

Dental floss
Body wash
Feminine products - pads, tampons, liners

Will you help make this a reality?


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