You Decide Where Your Tax Dollars Go!

It's not too late!! There is still one more week to claim the AZ Foster Care Tax Credit for 2018!
There are several tax "credits" you can claim in the state of Arizona that are dollar for dollar credits on what you may owe the state. A tax payer can claim them all!
The Foster Care tax credit is $1000 if you file a joint return and $500 if you file single.
Find our more about tax credits here:
When you choose to support Arizonans for Children 100% of your donations go directly to children's programs and never marketing or advertising. You can designate where you would like your contribution directed.
Visitation Center to help families heal.
Mentor program to help kids in the foster care system go from statistic 2 success.
Special events that give the kids a time to celebrate and just enjoy life.
STEM Pi-oneer providing knowledge and a computer system to kids with no access to technology.
STAR literacy program - demonstrating the value of reading to a child.
You decide where your tax dollars go!


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