AZ Ballroom Dance Academy

Arizonans for Children was so excited to have AZ Ballroom Dance Academy on site at the Phoenix Visitation Center Friday September 28, 2018!  

There were 28 kids in foster care that attend and they learned a variety of dance steps such as the cha cha, merengue and more!  They laughed, they learned, they danced and they got to be a kid.

Anytime we can allow these kids to experience the things kids not in the system get to is a great day.  Some of the kids were hesitant at the beginning but by mid point of the workshop they were all up and enjoying themselves.

The kids were loading into the vans taking them back to their group homes and there were several questions asked as to when they could come back.

Dance is fun, dance is exciting, dance is healing.

Thank you AZ Ballroom Dance Academy!  You have created life long memories and how wonderful is that?

We wanted to get a group picture but cannot capture the kids faces due to confidentiality.    
The kids didn't want to leave and you can see that in this snap shot.

As the kids were leaving the visitation center I suggested that any child that wanted to write something they were grateful for on our gratitude pumpkins....several wrote dance and AZ Ballroom Dance!


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